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Most commonly asked questions regarding Surrogacy in Cyprus!

Starting ahead with your surrogacy journey in Cyprus is quite easy. Even though there aren’t any surrogacy regulations in the country, one can pursue their child seeking aspirations without any issues. Moreover, both the government and the surrogacy clinics in Cyprus offer all the right support and care to the surrogate and the intended parents during their surrogacy journey.

That said, the intended parents usually have a lot of questions in their mind during the initial phases of their surrogacy journey. In this blog, we will look at few of such questions to help you up with various aspects of surrogacy in Cyprus.

Q1. What should be my starting point?

It’s all about getting the right start as kick off your surrogacy journey in Cyprus. Hence, everyone must consult with the best and most experienced surrogacy clinics in Cyprus. Moreover, they should note down all their concerns and consult the IVF clinic or surrogacy professionals about them during the first meeting.

For example, you may ask your surrogacy professionals about the availability of best surrogate mother in Cyprus or whether they have the required knowledge about the surrogacy laws in Cyprus. Moreover, they can further enquire about the type of tests and diagnosis they have to go through during the surrogacy procedure.

Q2. How much do I need to pay for the surrogacy cost?

Surrogacy does come at a cost and same goes true with even a surrogacy procedure in Cyprus. Moreover, if you are pursuing a standard surrogacy program, it will cost you around $30000 to $55000. On the other hand, if you bring along a sperm donor and an egg donor, this will make you pay $5000 to $10000 extra.

Besides, there are other factors that will also contribute to the overall cost like the number of IVF cycles performed, medicines cost for the surrogate and so on. On the other hand, the following types of surrogacy programs maybe offered by the surrogacy agencies in Cyprus.

Single-cycle: For intended parents who are using an egg donor or/and surrogate, along with one retrieval and one embryo transfer.

Single Cycle Unlimited transfer: For intended parents who are using a surrogate and an egg donor, one IVF cycle with an unlimited number of transfers.

Unlimited IVF until live birth: This type of surrogacy program is for intended parents using a surrogate and an egg donor, including an unlimited number of retrievals and transfer cycles.

Q3. What is the duration of surrogacy in Cyprus?

The duration will differ for each surrogacy journey, as it does with any medical journeys. Moreover, you cannot calculate a set time because there are numerous variables that can influence how a surrogacy journey at plays out. That said, the timeline we typically see looks like this:

Embryo creation: The embryo will need to be made for use with your surrogate after the needs and expectations of the intended parents have been determined. Moreover, the egg donor will go through procedures like a medical examination and signing a contract (in case you are using an egg donor). Regardless of the source of the egg (donor or intended parent), a full stimulation cycle will then be required for the egg retrieval. On average, the entire procedure may take three months. Besides, the laboratory will use the sperm and eggs that have been obtained to develop the embryos. That said, the specialists will take about 7 days to complete this process and analyze the biopsy.

Selecting the right Surrogate: The search for the surrogate mother Cyprus may demand some good effort and time from the intended parents. Besides, the surrogate will have to go through a number of procedures, including getting screened medically and signing a contract. Also, because the duration of this leg of the journey can vary significantly, we advise using a surrogacy agency in Cyprus to speed things up.

Embryo Transfer: There are a number of variables that can affect each case when it comes to a frozen embryo transfer cycle for a surrogate in Cyprus. Besides, the embryo transfer procedure typically occurs between days 19 and 21 of the Surrogate's menstrual cycle in a typical scenario.

On the other hand, about 10 days after implantation, a pregnancy test is conducted by the medical professional from the IVF clinic. That said, the Surrogate will be monitored until the OB ultrasound at 10 weeks and will further be released into the care of her OB following her 10-week OB ultrasound.

Q4. Is it recommended to get along with a surrogacy agency in Cyprus?

Dealing with a surrogacy agency in Cyprus does lot of things right for you. First up, you need not to dedicate all the time for searching the surrogate mother and the donors. Moreover, the agency can take care for a lot of tasks for you without your putting your time and efforts into the same.

The surrogate mother needs to be evaluated on physical and mental health grounds before getting onboard with the surrogacy process. If you are not consulting with a surrogacy agency, you may not be able to take care of the task in the desired manner.

On the other hand, there are many IVF clinics in Cyprus that doesn’t take individual requests for embryo transfer and you got to come with the reference of a surrogacy agency. So, even in this case, getting along with a surrogacy agency would work wonders for you.

Final words

There are no surrogacy laws in Cyprus currently. However, according to the family laws, the name of the surrogate mother and the intended father is listed on the birth certificate of the born child. So, the intended parents have to file for parental orders in the local court to obtain the custody of the child. Hence, it is very crucial to consult with the right legal professional or the surrogacy agency in order to get the desired results, the ethical way.

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